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A Solomon Kane Timeline

Adapted from this site, but ignoring the ludicrous Italian stories and explanations (“This story is plagued with historical problems and may have to be regarded as strictly fictional.”).


1549 Solomon L. Kane is born to a prosperous Puritan family in Devonshire, England.
c. 1566 Kane enters the merchant marine. During the next few years he will travel as far as Hindoostan and Cathay and rise to the rank of ship’s captain.
c. 1572 Kane travels to Hispanola where he becomes a buccaneer with letters of marque against Spanish ships.
1573 Kane returns to Europe and fights for the Hugenots in the French wars of religion.
1575 Kane leaves France and has his three recorded adventures in the Black Forest: “Death’s Black Riders,” “Rattle of Bones”, and “The Castle of the Devil.”
1576 Solomon Kane travels to the Mediterranean where he and John Silent (first encountered in “The Castle of the Devil”) become privateers. He is eventually captured by Moslems and sold as a galley slave.
1577 Kane escapes from the Moslems and returns to England where he signs on to Sir Francis Drake’s expedition to circumnavigate the globe.
1578 “The One Black Stain”.
1579-80 “Red Shadows”.
1585-86 Kane assists Sir Richard Grenville in several colonial attempts in the New World.
1587 “Skulls in the Stars”.
1588 Kane is present at the English defeat of the Spanish Armada.
1588-90 “Blades of the Brotherhood.”
1591 Kane is serving aboard the Revenge when the ship is taken and Sir Richard Grenville killed in fighting with the Spanish. Kane is taken prisoner and suffers at the hands of the Inquisition before escaping.
1592-1605 Solomon Kane returns to Africa and spends a number of years probing that continent’s mysteries. His adventures during this period include “The Moon of Skulls”, “The Hills of the Dead”, “Hawk of Basti”, “The Return of Sir Richard Grenville,” “Wings in the Night”, “The Footfalls Within” and “The Children of Asshur”.
1605 Kane returns to England: “The Right Hand of Doom.”
1610 “Solomon Kane’s Homecoming”. The poem closes with the aging Puritan turning away from the idea of a peaceful retirement and setting out once again on the open road. There is no record of Solomon Kane’s later years or his death.



