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“Untitled Fragment”

Published in Lord of Samarcand and Other Adventure Tales of the Old Orient, 2005.
(The cover says “Stories” while inside it has “Tales.”)






He knew de Bracy, they having fought against the Saracens together.

“Lord Valdez,” spoke de Bracy, “my friend, Angus Gordon. A free lance he is; new to Palestine and desirous of taking service with some strong lord—such as thou, Diego.”

For de Bracy stood not on formality with his friends.

The baron looked on me narrowly.

“A Scot, thou sayest? A Highlander?” quoth he.

“A Highlander,” I answered.

“Then little need to ask if you can use that,” indicating the claymore that hung at my side. “All Highlanders are swordsmen. But how of the bow? And the spear?”

“With the long bow I can strike a wand at fifty paces,” I answered. “With the spear I am not accomplished. However, I will venture to run a course with any many you may wish.”

“High words,” he murmured.

“High words for high deeds,” I made answer. “I boast not. You asked me my accomplishments and I have told you. I am not so




(Yes, the fragment really does end mid-sentence.)





