Daughter of Elspeth Barker
Raffaella Barker was born in London in 1964 and moved to Norfolk when she was three. Her father, the poet George Barker, had 15 children; she is the oldest of those by the novelist Elspeth Barker.
Raffaella Barker - A Perfect Life.epub
Raffaella Barker - Come and Tell Me Some Lies.epub
Raffaella Barker - From a Distance.epub
Raffaella Barker - Green Grass.epub
Raffaella Barker - Hens Dancing.epub
Raffaella Barker - Phosphorescence.epub
Raffaella Barker - Poppyland.epub
Raffaella Barker - Summertime.epub
Raffaella Barker - The Hook.epub