450 + .MOBI eBooks Collection All-In-One. The books are all tagged with covers and organized. This should make it easier for anyone just starting a library.
Abagnale, Frank W_
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can - Frank W. Abagnale.jpg
Catch Me If You Can - Frank W. Abagnale.mobi
Aesop's Fables
Aesop's Fables - Aesop.jpg
Aesop's Fables - Aesop.mobi
Alten, Steve
Meg - Steve Alten.jpg
Meg - Steve Alten.mobi
Meg_ Hell's Aquarium
Meg_ Hell's Aquarium - Steve Alten.jpg
Meg_ Hell's Aquarium - Steve Alten.mobi
Meg_ Primal Waters
Meg_ Primal Waters - Steve Alten.jpg
Meg_ Primal Waters - Steve Alten.mobi
Trench, The
Trench, The - Steve Alten.jpg
Trench, The - Steve Alten.mobi
Ambrose, Hugh
Pacific, The
Pacific, The - Hugh Ambrose.jpg
Pacific, The - Hugh Ambrose.mobi
Ambrose, Stephen
Band of Brothers
Band of Brothers - Stephen E. Ambrose.jpg
Band of Brothers - Stephen E. Ambrose.mobi
Citizen Soldiers
Citizen Soldiers - Stephen E. Ambrose.jpg
Citizen Soldiers - Stephen E. Ambrose.mobi
Pegasus Bridge_ June 6, 1944
Pegasus Bridge_ June 6, 1944 - Stephen E. Ambrose.jpg
Pegasus Bridge_ June 6, 1944 - Stephen E. Ambrose.mobi
Ambrose, Stephen E_
Victors_ Eisenhower and His Boys _ the Men of World War II, The
Victors_ Eisenhower and His Boys _ the Men of World War II, The - Stephen E. Ambrose.jpg
Victors_ Eisenhower and His Boys _ the Men of World War II, The - Stephen E. Ambrose.mobi
Wild Blue, The
Wild Blue, The - Stephen E. Ambrose.jpg
Wild Blue, The - Stephen E. Ambrose.mobi
Asimov, Isaac
Asimov's Mysteries
Asimov's Mysteries - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Asimov's Mysteries - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Azazel - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Azazel - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Best of Isaac Asimov
Best of Isaac Asimov - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Best of Isaac Asimov - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Bicentennial Man and other stories, The
Bicentennial Man and other stories, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Bicentennial Man and other stories, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Buy Jupiter, and other stories
Buy Jupiter, and other stories - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Buy Jupiter, and other stories - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Caves of Steel, The
Caves of Steel, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Caves of Steel, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Currents of Space, The
Currents of Space, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Currents of Space, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Earth Is Room Enough
Earth Is Room Enough - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Earth Is Room Enough - Isaac Asimov.mobi
End of Eternity, The
End of Eternity, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
End of Eternity, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Fantastic Voyage
Fantastic Voyage - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Fantastic Voyage - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Fantastic Voyage II_ Destination Brain
Fantastic Voyage II_ Destination Brain - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Fantastic Voyage II_ Destination Brain - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Forward the Foundation
Forward the Foundation - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Forward the Foundation - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Foundation - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Foundation - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Foundation and Earth
Foundation and Earth - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Foundation and Earth - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Foundation and Empire
Foundation and Empire - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Foundation and Empire - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Foundation's Edge
Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Foundation's Edge - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Gods Themselves, The
Gods Themselves, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Gods Themselves, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Gold_ The Final Science Fiction Collection
Gold_ The Final Science Fiction Collection - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Gold_ The Final Science Fiction Collection - Isaac Asimov.mobi
I, Robot
I, Robot - Isaac Asimov.jpg
I, Robot - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Isaac Asimov_ The Complete Stories
Isaac Asimov_ The Complete Stories - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Isaac Asimov_ The Complete Stories - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Martian Way and other stories, The
Martian Way and other stories, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Martian Way and other stories, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Naked Sun, The
Naked Sun, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Naked Sun, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Nemesis - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Nemesis - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Nightfall_ and other stories
Nightfall_ and other stories - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Nightfall_ and other stories - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Nine Tomorrows
Nine Tomorrows - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Nine Tomorrows - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Pebble in the Sky
Pebble in the Sky - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Pebble in the Sky - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Prelude to Foundation
Prelude to Foundation - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Prelude to Foundation - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Rest of the Robots, The
Rest of the Robots, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Rest of the Robots, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Robot Dreams
Robot Dreams - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Robot Dreams - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Robot Visions
Robot Visions - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Robot Visions - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Robots & Empire
Robots & Empire - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Robots & Empire - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Robots of Dawn, The
Robots of Dawn, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Robots of Dawn, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Second Foundation
Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Stars, Like Dust, The
Stars, Like Dust, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Stars, Like Dust, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Union Club Mysteries, The
Union Club Mysteries, The - Isaac Asimov.jpg
Union Club Mysteries, The - Isaac Asimov.mobi
Asimov, Isaac & Silverberg, Robert
Nightfall - Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg.jpg
Nightfall - Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg.mobi
Positronic Man, The
Positronic Man, The - Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg.jpg
Positronic Man, The - Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg.mobi
Barker, Clive
Books of Blood
Books of Blood - Clive Barker.jpg
Books of Blood - Clive Barker.mobi
Books of Blood Six
Books of Blood Six - Clive Barker.jpg
Books of Blood Six - Clive Barker.mobi
Books of Blood Three
Books of Blood Three - Clive Barker.jpg
Books of Blood Three - Clive Barker.mobi
Books of Blood Two
Books of Blood Two - Clive Barker.jpg
Books of Blood Two - Clive Barker.mobi
Damnation Game, The
Damnation Game, The - Clive Barker.jpg
Damnation Game, The - Clive Barker.mobi
Hellbound Heart, The
Hellbound Heart, The - Clive Barker.jpg
Hellbound Heart, The - Clive Barker.mobi
In the Flesh
In the Flesh - Clive Barker.jpg
In the Flesh - Clive Barker.mobi
Inhuman Condition, The
Inhuman Condition, The - Clive Barker.jpg
Inhuman Condition, The - Clive Barker.mobi
Thief of Always, The
Thief of Always, The - Clive Barker.jpg
Thief of Always, The - Clive Barker.mobi
Barry, Dave
Big Trouble
Big Trouble - Dave Barry.jpg
Big Trouble - Dave Barry.mobi
Boogers Are My Beat_ More Lies, But Some Actual Journalism!
Boogers Are My Beat_ More Lies, But Some Actual Journalism! - Dave Barry.jpg
Boogers Are My Beat_ More Lies, But Some Actual Journalism! - Dave Barry.mobi
Claw Your Way to the Top_ How to Become the Head of a Major Corporation in Roughly a Week
Claw Your Way to the Top_ How to Become the Head of a Major Corporation in Roughly a Week - Dave Barry.jpg
Claw Your Way to the Top_ How to Become the Head of a Major Corporation in Roughly a Week - Dave Barry.mobi
Dave Barry's Guide to Life
Dave Barry's Guide to Life - Dave Barry.jpg
Dave Barry's Guide to Life - Dave Barry.mobi
Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need
Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need - Dave Barry.jpg
Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need - Dave Barry.mobi
Homes and Other Black Holes
Homes and Other Black Holes - Dave Barry.jpg
Homes and Other Black Holes - Dave Barry.mobi
Taming of the Screw_ Several Million Homeowner's Problems
Taming of the Screw_ Several Million Homeowner's Problems - Dave Barry.jpg
Taming of the Screw_ Several Million Homeowner's Problems - Dave Barry.mobi
Benchley, Peter
Jaws - Peter Benchley.jpg
Jaws - Peter Benchley.mobi
Bierce, Ambrose
Damned Thing, The
Damned Thing, The - Ambrose Bierce.jpg
Damned Thing, The - Ambrose Bierce.mobi
Bowden, Mark
Black Hawk Down
Black Hawk Down - Mark Bowden.jpg
Black Hawk Down - Mark Bowden.mobi
Killing Pablo_ The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw
Killing Pablo_ The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw - Mark Bowden.jpg
Killing Pablo_ The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw - Mark Bowden.mobi
Bowick, David
How To Disappear Completely
How To Disappear Completely - David Bowick.jpg
How To Disappear Completely - David Bowick.mobi
Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury.jpg
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury.mobi
Illustrated Man, The
Illustrated Man, The - Ray Bradbury.jpg
Illustrated Man, The - Ray Bradbury.mobi
Martian Chronicles, The
Martian Chronicles, The - Ray Bradbury.jpg
Martian Chronicles, The - Ray Bradbury.mobi
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury.jpg
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury.mobi
Sound of Thunder, A
Sound of Thunder, A - Ray Bradbury.jpg
Sound of Thunder, A - Ray Bradbury.mobi
Brin, David
Postman, The
Postman, The - David Brin.jpg
Postman, The - David Brin.mobi
Brooks, Max
World War Z_ An Oral History of the Zombie War
World War Z_ An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks.jpg
World War Z_ An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks.mobi
Zombie Survival Guide, The
Zombie Survival Guide, The - Max Brooks.jpg
Zombie Survival Guide, The - Max Brooks.mobi
Burgess, Anthony
Clockwork Orange, A
Clockwork Orange, A - Anthony Burgess.jpg
Clockwork Orange, A - Anthony Burgess.mobi
Campbell, Bruce
If Chins Could Kill_ Confessions of a B Movie Actor
If Chins Could Kill_ Confessions of a B Movie Actor - Bruce Campbell.jpg
If Chins Could Kill_ Confessions of a B Movie Actor - Bruce Campbell.mobi
Campbell, John W_
Who Goes There_
Who Goes There_ - John W. Campbell.jpg
Who Goes There_ - John W. Campbell.mobi
Cantrell, Christian
Containment - Christian Cantrell.jpg
Containment - Christian Cantrell.mobi
Card, Orson Scott
Children of the Mind
Children of the Mind - Orson Scott Card.jpg
Children of the Mind - Orson Scott Card.mobi
Ender's Game
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card.jpg
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card.mobi
Ender's Shadow
Ender's Shadow - Orson Scott Card.jpg
Ender's Shadow - Orson Scott Card.mobi
Shadow of the Hegemon
Shadow of the Hegemon - Orson Scott Card.jpg
Shadow of the Hegemon - Orson Scott Card.mobi
Shadow Puppets
Shadow Puppets - Orson Scott Card.jpg
Shadow Puppets - Orson Scott Card.mobi
Speaker for the Dead
Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card.jpg
Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card.mobi
Xenocide - Orson Scott Card.jpg
Xenocide - Orson Scott Card.mobi
Carlisle, Belinda
Lips Unsealed_ A Memoir
Lips Unsealed_ A Memoir - Belinda Carlisle.jpg
Lips Unsealed_ A Memoir - Belinda Carlisle.mobi
Clancy, Tom
Bear and the Dragon, The
Bear and the Dragon, The - Tom Clancy.jpg
Bear and the Dragon, The - Tom Clancy.mobi
Cardinal of the Kremlin, The
Cardinal of the Kremlin, The - Tom Clancy.jpg
Cardinal of the Kremlin, The - Tom Clancy.mobi
Clear and Present Danger
Clear and Present Danger - Tom Clancy.jpg
Clear and Present Danger - Tom Clancy.mobi
Debt of Honor
Debt of Honor - Tom Clancy.jpg
Debt of Honor - Tom Clancy.mobi
Executive Orders
Executive Orders - Tom Clancy.jpg
Executive Orders - Tom Clancy.mobi
Hunt for Red October, The
Hunt for Red October, The - Tom Clancy.jpg
Hunt for Red October, The - Tom Clancy.mobi
Patriot Games
Patriot Games - Tom Clancy.jpg
Patriot Games - Tom Clancy.mobi
Rainbow Six
Rainbow Six - Tom Clancy.jpg
Rainbow Six - Tom Clancy.mobi
Red Rabbit
Red Rabbit - Tom Clancy.jpg
Red Rabbit - Tom Clancy.mobi
Sum of All Fears, The
Sum of All Fears, The - Tom Clancy.jpg
Sum of All Fears, The - Tom Clancy.mobi
Teeth of the Tiger, The
Teeth of the Tiger, The - Tom Clancy.jpg
Teeth of the Tiger, The - Tom Clancy.mobi
Without Remorse
Without Remorse - Tom Clancy.jpg
Without Remorse - Tom Clancy.mobi
Clarke, Arthur C. & Lee, Gentry
Cradle - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.jpg
Cradle - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.mobi
Garden of Rama, The
Garden of Rama, The - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.jpg
Garden of Rama, The - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.mobi
Rama II
Rama II - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.jpg
Rama II - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.mobi
Rama Revealed
Rama Revealed - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.jpg
Rama Revealed - Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee.mobi
Clarke, Arthur C_
2001_ A Space Odyssey
2001_ A Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke.jpg
2001_ A Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
2010_ Odyssey Two
2010_ Odyssey Two - Arthur C. Clarke.jpg
2010_ Odyssey Two - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
2061_ Odyssey Three
2061_ Odyssey Three - Arthur C. Clarke.jpg
2061_ Odyssey Three - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
3001_ The Final Odyssey
3001_ The Final Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke.jpg
3001_ The Final Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
Childhood's End
Childhood's End - Arthur C. Clarke.jpg
Childhood's End - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
Fall of Moondust, A
Fall of Moondust, A - Arthur C. Clarke.jpg
Fall of Moondust, A - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
Rendezvous with Rama
Rendezvous with Rama - Arthur C. Clarke.jpg
Rendezvous with Rama - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
Connell, Richard
Most Dangerous Game, The
Most Dangerous Game, The - Richard Connell.jpg
Most Dangerous Game, The - Richard Connell.mobi
Conrad, Joseph
Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad.jpg
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad.mobi
Cooper, James Fenimore
Last of the Mohicans, The
Last of the Mohicans, The - James Fenimore Cooper.jpg
Last of the Mohicans, The - James Fenimore Cooper.mobi
Craven, Wes
Fountain Society
Fountain Society - Wes Craven.jpg
Fountain Society - Wes Craven.mobi
Crichton, Michael
Airframe - Michael Crichton.jpg
Airframe - Michael Crichton.mobi
Andromeda Strain, The
Andromeda Strain, The - Michael Crichton.jpg
Andromeda Strain, The - Michael Crichton.mobi
Binary - Michael Crichton.jpg
Binary - Michael Crichton.mobi
Case of Need, A
Case of Need, A - Michael Crichton.jpg
Case of Need, A - Michael Crichton.mobi
Congo - Michael Crichton.jpg
Congo - Michael Crichton.mobi
Eaters of the Dead
Eaters of the Dead - Michael Crichton.jpg
Eaters of the Dead - Michael Crichton.mobi
Great Train Robbery, The
Great Train Robbery, The - Michael Crichton.jpg
Great Train Robbery, The - Michael Crichton.mobi
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton.jpg
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton.mobi
Lost World, The
Lost World, The - Michael Crichton.jpg
Lost World, The - Michael Crichton.mobi
Prey - Michael Crichton.jpg
Prey - Michael Crichton.mobi
Rising Sun
Rising Sun - Michael Crichton.jpg
Rising Sun - Michael Crichton.mobi
Sphere - Michael Crichton.jpg
Sphere - Michael Crichton.mobi
Terminal Man, The
Terminal Man, The - Michael Crichton.jpg
Terminal Man, The - Michael Crichton.mobi
Timeline - Michael Crichton.jpg
Timeline - Michael Crichton.mobi
Cronin, Justin
Passage, The
Passage, The - Justin Cronin.jpg
Passage, The - Justin Cronin.mobi
Dick, Philip K_
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep_
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep_ - Philip K. Dick.jpg
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep_ - Philip K. Dick.mobi
Imposter - Philip K. Dick.mobi
Man in the High Castle, The
Man in the High Castle, The - Philip K. Dick.jpg
Man in the High Castle, The - Philip K. Dick.mobi
Minority Report, The
Minority Report, The - Philip K. Dick.jpg
Minority Report, The - Philip K. Dick.mobi
Scanner Darkly, A
Scanner Darkly, A - Philip K. Dick.jpg
Scanner Darkly, A - Philip K. Dick.mobi
Second Variety
Second Variety - Philip K. Dick.jpg
Second Variety - Philip K. Dick.mobi
We Can Remember it for You Wholesale
We Can Remember it for You Wholesale - Philip K. Dick.jpg
We Can Remember it for You Wholesale - Philip K. Dick.mobi
Eggers, Dave
You Shall Know Our Velocity!
You Shall Know Our Velocity! - Dave Eggers.jpg
You Shall Know Our Velocity! - Dave Eggers.mobi
Ellis, Bret Easton
American Psycho
American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis.jpg
American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis.mobi
Less Than Zero
Less Than Zero - Bret Easton Ellis.jpg
Less Than Zero - Bret Easton Ellis.mobi
Rules of Attraction, The
Rules of Attraction, The - Bret Easton Ellis.jpg
Rules of Attraction, The - Bret Easton Ellis.mobi
Ellroy, James
American Tabloid
American Tabloid - James Ellroy.jpg
American Tabloid - James Ellroy.mobi
Big Nowhere, The
Big Nowhere, The - James Ellroy.jpg
Big Nowhere, The - James Ellroy.mobi
Black Dahlia, The
Black Dahlia, The - James Ellroy.jpg
Black Dahlia, The - James Ellroy.mobi
Clandestine - James Ellroy.jpg
Clandestine - James Ellroy.mobi
Crime Wave
Crime Wave - James Ellroy.jpg
Crime Wave - James Ellroy.mobi
Hollywood Nocturnes
Hollywood Nocturnes - James Ellroy.jpg
Hollywood Nocturnes - James Ellroy.mobi
L.A. Confidential
L.A. Confidential - James Ellroy.jpg
L.A. Confidential - James Ellroy.mobi
My Dark Places
My Dark Places - James Ellroy.jpg
My Dark Places - James Ellroy.mobi
White Jazz
White Jazz - James Ellroy.jpg
White Jazz - James Ellroy.mobi
Ferguson, Craig
American on Purpose_ The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot
American on Purpose_ The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot - Craig Ferguson.jpg
American on Purpose_ The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot - Craig Ferguson.mobi
Finney, Jack
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Jack Finney.jpg
Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Jack Finney.mobi
Fleming, Ian
Casino Royale
Casino Royale - Ian Fleming.jpg
Casino Royale - Ian Fleming.mobi
Fox, Michael J_
Always Looking Up_ The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist
Always Looking Up_ The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist - Michael J. Fox.jpg
Always Looking Up_ The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist - Michael J. Fox.mobi
Gaiman, Neil
American Gods
American Gods - Neil Gaiman.jpg
American Gods - Neil Gaiman.mobi
Anansi Boys
Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman.jpg
Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman.mobi
Coraline - Neil Gaiman.jpg
Coraline - Neil Gaiman.mobi
Fragile Things_ Short Fictions and Wonders
Fragile Things_ Short Fictions and Wonders - Neil Gaiman.jpg
Fragile Things_ Short Fictions and Wonders - Neil Gaiman.mobi
Graveyard Book, The
Graveyard Book, The - Neil Gaiman.jpg
Graveyard Book, The - Neil Gaiman.mobi
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman.jpg
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman.mobi
Gaiman, Neil & Pratchett, Terry
Good Omens
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett.jpg
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett.mobi
Garland, Alex
Beach, The
Beach, The - Alex Garland.jpg
Beach, The - Alex Garland.mobi
Gibson, William
Burning Chrome
Burning Chrome - William Gibson.jpg
Burning Chrome - William Gibson.mobi
Count Zero
Count Zero - William Gibson.jpg
Count Zero - William Gibson.mobi
Johnny Mnemonic
Johnny Mnemonic - William Gibson.jpg
Johnny Mnemonic - William Gibson.mobi
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Mona Lisa Overdrive - William Gibson.jpg
Mona Lisa Overdrive - William Gibson.mobi
Neuromancer - William Gibson.jpg
Neuromancer - William Gibson.mobi
Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition - William Gibson.jpg
Pattern Recognition - William Gibson.mobi
Spook Country
Spook Country - William Gibson.jpg
Spook Country - William Gibson.mobi
Zero History
Zero History - William Gibson.jpg
Zero History - William Gibson.mobi
Gibson, William & Sterling, Bruce
Difference Engine, The
Difference Engine, The - William Gibson & Bruce Sterling.jpg
Difference Engine, The - William Gibson & Bruce Sterling.mobi
Goldman, William
Adventures in the Screen Trade
Adventures in the Screen Trade - William Goldman.jpg
Adventures in the Screen Trade - William Goldman.mobi
Princess Bride, The
Princess Bride, The - William Goldman.jpg
Princess Bride, The - William Goldman.mobi
Grahame-Smith, Seth
Abraham Lincoln_ Vampire Hunter
Abraham Lincoln_ Vampire Hunter - Seth Grahame-Smith.jpg
Abraham Lincoln_ Vampire Hunter - Seth Grahame-Smith.mobi
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - Seth Grahame-Smith.jpg
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - Seth Grahame-Smith.mobi
Grant, Mira
Feed - Mira Grant.jpg
Feed - Mira Grant.mobi
Haldeman, Joe
Camouflage - Joe Haldeman.jpg
Camouflage - Joe Haldeman.mobi
Forever Free
Forever Free - Joe Haldeman.jpg
Forever Free - Joe Haldeman.mobi
Forever Peace
Forever Peace - Joe Haldeman.jpg
Forever Peace - Joe Haldeman.mobi
Forever War, The
Forever War, The - Joe Haldeman.jpg
Forever War, The - Joe Haldeman.mobi
Mindbridge - Joe Haldeman.jpg
Mindbridge - Joe Haldeman.mobi
Halpern, Justin
Sh_t My Dad Says
Sh_t My Dad Says - Justin Halpern.jpg
Sh_t My Dad Says - Justin Halpern.mobi
Handler, Chelsea
Are You There, Vodka_ It's Me, Chelsea
Are You There, Vodka_ It's Me, Chelsea - Chelsea Handler.jpg
Are You There, Vodka_ It's Me, Chelsea - Chelsea Handler.mobi
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang - Chelsea Handler.jpg
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang - Chelsea Handler.mobi
My Horizontal Life_ A Collection of One-Night Stands
My Horizontal Life_ A Collection of One-Night Stands - Chelsea Handler.jpg
My Horizontal Life_ A Collection of One-Night Stands - Chelsea Handler.mobi
Heinlein, Robert A_
Have Space Suit - Will Travel
Have Space Suit - Will Travel - Robert A. Heinlein.jpg
Have Space Suit - Will Travel - Robert A. Heinlein.mobi
Menace From Earth, The
Menace From Earth, The - Robert A. Heinlein.jpg
Menace From Earth, The - Robert A. Heinlein.mobi
Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, The
Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, The - Robert A. Heinlein.jpg
Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, The - Robert A. Heinlein.mobi
Puppet Masters, The
Puppet Masters, The - Robert A. Heinlein.jpg
Puppet Masters, The - Robert A. Heinlein.mobi
Starship Troopers
Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein.jpg
Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein.mobi
Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein.jpg
Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein.mobi
Herbert, Frank
Children of Dune
Children of Dune - Frank Herbert.jpg
Children of Dune - Frank Herbert.mobi
Dune - Frank Herbert.jpg
Dune - Frank Herbert.mobi
Dune Messiah
Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert.jpg
Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert.mobi
God Emperor of Dune
God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert.jpg
God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert.mobi
Heye, Dennie
Obnoxious Librarian from Hades
Obnoxious Librarian from Hades - Dennie Heye.jpg
Obnoxious Librarian from Hades - Dennie Heye.mobi
Hockensmith, Steve
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies_ Dawn of the Dreadfuls
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies_ Dawn of the Dreadfuls - Steve Hockensmith.jpg
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies_ Dawn of the Dreadfuls - Steve Hockensmith.mobi
Hogan, Chuck
Prince of Thieves
Prince of Thieves - Chuck Hogan.jpg
Prince of Thieves - Chuck Hogan.mobi
Hornby, Nick
About a Boy
About a Boy - Nick Hornby.jpg
About a Boy - Nick Hornby.mobi
Fever Pitch
Fever Pitch - Nick Hornby.jpg
Fever Pitch - Nick Hornby.mobi
High Fidelity
High Fidelity - Nick Hornby.jpg
High Fidelity - Nick Hornby.mobi
Hubbard, L. Ron
Battlefield Earth
Battlefield Earth - L. Ron Hubbard.jpg
Battlefield Earth - L. Ron Hubbard.mobi
Huxley, Aldous
Brave New World
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley.jpg
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley.mobi
Ishiguro, Kazuo
Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro.jpg
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro.mobi
Jackson, Shirley
Haunting of Hill House, The
Haunting of Hill House, The - Shirley Jackson.jpg
Haunting of Hill House, The - Shirley Jackson.mobi
Jacobs, W. W_
Monkey's Paw, The
Monkey's Paw, The - W. W. Jacobs.jpg
Monkey's Paw, The - W. W. Jacobs.mobi
Jones, Stephen
Mammoth Book of Monsters, The
Mammoth Book of Monsters, The - Stephen Jones.jpg
Mammoth Book of Monsters, The - Stephen Jones.mobi
Joyce, James
Chamber Music
Chamber Music - James Joyce.jpg
Chamber Music - James Joyce.mobi
Dubliners - James Joyce.jpg
Dubliners - James Joyce.mobi
Ulysses - James Joyce.jpg
Ulysses - James Joyce.mobi
Junger, Sebastian
Perfect Storm, The
Perfect Storm, The - Sebastian Junger.jpg
Perfect Storm, The - Sebastian Junger.mobi
War - Sebastian Junger.jpg
War - Sebastian Junger.mobi
Kafka, Franz
Letter to My Father
Letter to My Father - Franz Kafka.jpg
Letter to My Father - Franz Kafka.mobi
Metamorphosis and Other Stories, The
Metamorphosis and Other Stories, The - Franz Kafka.jpg
Metamorphosis and Other Stories, The - Franz Kafka.mobi
Trial, The
Trial, The - Franz Kafka.jpg
Trial, The - Franz Kafka.mobi
Kamkwamba, William
Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, The
Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, The - William Kamkwamba & Bryan Mealer.jpg
Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, The - William Kamkwamba & Bryan Mealer.mobi
King, Stephen
Bachman Books, The
Bachman Books, The - Stephen King.jpg
Bachman Books, The - Stephen King.mobi
Bag of Bones
Bag of Bones - Stephen King.jpg
Bag of Bones - Stephen King.mobi
Blockade Billy
Blockade Billy - Stephen King.jpg
Blockade Billy - Stephen King.mobi
Carrie - Stephen King.jpg
Carrie - Stephen King.mobi
Cell_ A Novel
Cell_ A Novel - Stephen King.jpg
Cell_ A Novel - Stephen King.mobi
Christine - Stephen King.jpg
Christine - Stephen King.mobi
Colorado Kid, The
Colorado Kid, The - Stephen King.jpg
Colorado Kid, The - Stephen King.mobi
Cujo - Stephen King.jpg
Cujo - Stephen King.mobi
Cycle of the Werewolf
Cycle of the Werewolf - Stephen King.jpg
Cycle of the Werewolf - Stephen King.mobi
Dark Half, The
Dark Half, The - Stephen King.jpg
Dark Half, The - Stephen King.mobi
Dead Zone, The
Dead Zone, The - Stephen King.jpg
Dead Zone, The - Stephen King.mobi
Desperation - Stephen King.jpg
Desperation - Stephen King.mobi
Different Seasons
Different Seasons - Stephen King.jpg
Different Seasons - Stephen King.mobi
Dreamcatcher - Stephen King.jpg
Dreamcatcher - Stephen King.mobi
Duma Key
Duma Key - Stephen King.jpg
Duma Key - Stephen King.mobi
Everything's Eventual_ 14 Dark Tales
Everything's Eventual_ 14 Dark Tales - Stephen King.jpg
Everything's Eventual_ 14 Dark Tales - Stephen King.mobi
Eyes of the Dragon, The
Eyes of the Dragon, The - Stephen King.jpg
Eyes of the Dragon, The - Stephen King.mobi
Firestarter - Stephen King.jpg
Firestarter - Stephen King.mobi
Four Past Midnight
Four Past Midnight - Stephen King.jpg
Four Past Midnight - Stephen King.mobi
From a Buick 8
From a Buick 8 - Stephen King.jpg
From a Buick 8 - Stephen King.mobi
Gerald's Game
Gerald's Game - Stephen King.jpg
Gerald's Game - Stephen King.mobi
Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The
Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The - Stephen King.jpg
Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The - Stephen King.mobi
Green Mile, The
Green Mile, The - Stephen King.jpg
Green Mile, The - Stephen King.mobi
It - Stephen King.jpg
It - Stephen King.mobi
Just After Sunset
Just After Sunset - Stephen King.jpg
Just After Sunset - Stephen King.mobi
Mist, The
Mist, The - Stephen King.jpg
Mist, The - Stephen King.mobi
Needful Things
Needful Things - Stephen King.jpg
Needful Things - Stephen King.mobi
Night Shift
Night Shift - Stephen King.jpg
Night Shift - Stephen King.mobi
Nightmares & Dreamscapes
Nightmares & Dreamscapes - Stephen King.jpg
Nightmares & Dreamscapes - Stephen King.mobi
Pet Sematary
Pet Sematary - Stephen King.jpg
Pet Sematary - Stephen King.mobi
Shining, The
Shining, The - Stephen King.jpg
Shining, The - Stephen King.mobi
Skeleton Crew
Skeleton Crew - Stephen King.jpg
Skeleton Crew - Stephen King.mobi
Stand, The
Stand, The - Stephen King.jpg
Stand, The - Stephen King.mobi
Thinner - Stephen King.jpg
Thinner - Stephen King.mobi
Tommyknockers, The
Tommyknockers, The - Stephen King.jpg
Tommyknockers, The - Stephen King.mobi
UR - Stephen King.jpg
UR - Stephen King.mobi
Klosterman, Chuck
Eating the Dinosaur
Eating the Dinosaur - Chuck Klosterman.jpg
Eating the Dinosaur - Chuck Klosterman.mobi
Koontz, Dean
Bad Place, The
Bad Place, The - Dean Koontz.jpg
Bad Place, The - Dean Koontz.mobi
Book of Counted Sorrows, The
Book of Counted Sorrows, The - Dean Koontz.jpg
Book of Counted Sorrows, The - Dean Koontz.mobi
Breathless - Dean Koontz.jpg
Breathless - Dean Koontz.mobi
By the Light of the Moon
By the Light of the Moon - Dean Koontz.jpg
By the Light of the Moon - Dean Koontz.mobi
Cold Fire
Cold Fire - Dean Koontz.jpg
Cold Fire - Dean Koontz.mobi
Darkfall - Dean Koontz.jpg
Darkfall - Dean Koontz.mobi
Demon Seed
Demon Seed - Dean Koontz.jpg
Demon Seed - Dean Koontz.mobi
Door to December, The
Door to December, The - Dean Koontz.jpg
Door to December, The - Dean Koontz.mobi
Dragon Tears
Dragon Tears - Dean Koontz.jpg
Dragon Tears - Dean Koontz.mobi
Face of Fear, The
Face of Fear, The - Dean Koontz.jpg
Face of Fear, The - Dean Koontz.mobi
False Memory
False Memory - Dean Koontz.jpg
False Memory - Dean Koontz.mobi
Fear Nothing
Fear Nothing - Dean Koontz.jpg
Fear Nothing - Dean Koontz.mobi
Forever Odd
Forever Odd - Dean Koontz.jpg
Forever Odd - Dean Koontz.mobi
From the Corner of His Eye
From the Corner of His Eye - Dean Koontz.jpg
From the Corner of His Eye - Dean Koontz.mobi
Funhouse, The
Funhouse, The - Dean Koontz.jpg
Funhouse, The - Dean Koontz.mobi
Hideaway - Dean Koontz.jpg
Hideaway - Dean Koontz.mobi
Icebound - Dean Koontz.jpg
Icebound - Dean Koontz.mobi
Intensity - Dean Koontz.jpg
Intensity - Dean Koontz.mobi
Life Expectancy
Life Expectancy - Dean Koontz.jpg
Life Expectancy - Dean Koontz.mobi
Lightning - Dean Koontz.jpg
Lightning - Dean Koontz.mobi
Mask, The
Mask, The - Dean Koontz.jpg
Mask, The - Dean Koontz.mobi
Midnight - Dean Koontz.jpg
Midnight - Dean Koontz.mobi
Mr. Murder
Mr. Murder - Dean Koontz.jpg
Mr. Murder - Dean Koontz.mobi
Night Chills
Night Chills - Dean Koontz.jpg
Night Chills - Dean Koontz.mobi
Odd Thomas
Odd Thomas - Dean Koontz.jpg
Odd Thomas - Dean Koontz.mobi
One Door Away from Heaven
One Door Away from Heaven - Dean Koontz.jpg
One Door Away from Heaven - Dean Koontz.mobi
Phantoms - Dean Koontz.jpg
Phantoms - Dean Koontz.mobi
Santa's Twin
Santa's Twin - Dean Koontz.jpg
Santa's Twin - Dean Koontz.mobi
Seize the Night
Seize the Night - Dean Koontz.jpg
Seize the Night - Dean Koontz.mobi
Shadowfires - Dean Koontz.jpg
Shadowfires - Dean Koontz.mobi
Shattered - Dean Koontz.jpg
Shattered - Dean Koontz.mobi
Sole Survivor
Sole Survivor - Dean Koontz.jpg
Sole Survivor - Dean Koontz.mobi
Strange Highways
Strange Highways - Dean Koontz.jpg
Strange Highways - Dean Koontz.mobi
Strangers - Dean Koontz.jpg
Strangers - Dean Koontz.mobi
Taking, The
Taking, The - Dean Koontz.jpg
Taking, The - Dean Koontz.mobi
Ticktock - Dean Koontz.jpg
Ticktock - Dean Koontz.mobi
Twilight Eyes
Twilight Eyes - Dean Koontz.jpg
Twilight Eyes - Dean Koontz.mobi
Velocity - Dean Koontz.jpg
Velocity - Dean Koontz.mobi
Watchers - Dean Koontz.jpg
Watchers - Dean Koontz.mobi
Whispers - Dean Koontz.jpg
Whispers - Dean Koontz.mobi
Winter Moon
Winter Moon - Dean Koontz.jpg
Winter Moon - Dean Koontz.mobi
Kramer, Naomi
DEAD(ish) - Naomi Kramer.jpg
DEAD(ish) - Naomi Kramer.mobi
Lander, Christian
Stuff White People Like
Stuff White People Like - Christian Lander.jpg
Stuff White People Like - Christian Lander.mobi
Larsson, Stieg
Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest, The
Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest, The - Stieg Larsson.jpg
Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest, The - Stieg Larsson.mobi
Girl Who Played with Fire, The
Girl Who Played with Fire, The - Stieg Larsson.jpg
Girl Who Played with Fire, The - Stieg Larsson.mobi
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The - Stieg Larsson.jpg
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The - Stieg Larsson.mobi
Laurie, Hugh
Gun Seller, The
Gun Seller, The - Hugh Laurie.jpg
Gun Seller, The - Hugh Laurie.mobi
Leary, Denis
No Cure for Cancer
No Cure for Cancer - Denis Leary.jpg
No Cure for Cancer - Denis Leary.mobi
Leckie, Robert
Helmet for My Pillow_ From Parris Island to the Pacific
Helmet for My Pillow_ From Parris Island to the Pacific - Robert Leckie.jpg
Helmet for My Pillow_ From Parris Island to the Pacific - Robert Leckie.mobi
Okinawa_ The Last Battle of World War II
Okinawa_ The Last Battle of World War II - Robert Leckie.jpg
Okinawa_ The Last Battle of World War II - Robert Leckie.mobi
Lee, Harper
To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee.jpg
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee.mobi
Lehane, Dennis
Boston Noir
Boston Noir - Dennis Lehane.jpg
Boston Noir - Dennis Lehane.mobi
Drink Before the War, A
Drink Before the War, A - Dennis Lehane.jpg
Drink Before the War, A - Dennis Lehane.mobi
Gone, Baby, Gone
Gone, Baby, Gone - Dennis Lehane.jpg
Gone, Baby, Gone - Dennis Lehane.mobi
Mystic River
Mystic River - Dennis Lehane.jpg
Mystic River - Dennis Lehane.mobi
Prayers for Rain