John Hemry is an author of military science fiction novels. Drawing on his experience as a retired US Navy officer, he has written the Stark's War and Paul Sinclair series. Under the name Jack Campbell, he has published four volumes of the Lost Fleet series. The Lost Fleet series is best-selling and is being published in several languages including Russian, Polish and French.
John G Hemry - As You Know, Bob or, Living up to Expectations.epub
John G Hemry - Do No Harm.epub
John G Hemry - Ethan Stark 01 - Stark's War # as Jack Campbell.epub
John G Hemry - Ethan Stark 02 - Stark's Command # as Jack Campbell.epub
John G Hemry - Ethan Stark 03 - Stark's Crusade # as Jack Campbell.epub
John G Hemry - Generation Gap.epub
John G Hemry - Kyrie Eleison.epub
John G Hemry - Lady Be Good.epub
John G Hemry - Mightier Than the Sword.epub
John G Hemry - Paul Sinclair 01 - A Just Determination.epub
John G Hemry - Paul Sinclair 02 - Burden of Proof.epub
John G Hemry - Paul Sinclair 03 - Rule of Evidence.epub
John G Hemry - Paul Sinclair 04 - Against All Enemies.epub
John G Hemry - Rocks.epub
John G Hemry - Small Moments in Time.epub
John G Hemry - Swords & Saddles.epub
John G Hemry - The Bookseller of Bastet.epub
John G Hemry - These are the Times.epub