Dana Fredsti 3

Dana Fredsti 15


Dana Fredsti is ex B-movie actress with a background in theatrical sword-fighting. Through seven plus years of volunteering at EFBC/FCC (Exotic Feline Breeding Facility/Feline Conservation Center), Dana's had a full-grown leopard sit on her feet, kissed by tigers, held baby jaguars and had her thumb sucked by an ocelot with nursing issues.

Format ePub


Dana Fredsti & David Fitzgerald - Time Shards 01 - Time Shards.epub
Dana Fredsti & David Fitzgerald - Time Shards 03 - Tempus Fury.epub
Dana Fredsti - Ashley Drake, Zombie Hunter 01 - A Plague on All Houses.epub
Dana Fredsti - Ashley Drake, Zombie Hunter 02 - Plague Nation.epub
Dana Fredsti - Ashley Parker 01 - Plague Town.epub
Dana Fredsti - Ashley Parker 03 - Plague World.epub
Dana Fredsti - Ashley Parker - Pinky Swear.epub
Dana Fredsti - A Man's Gotta Eat What a Man's Gotta Eat.epub
Dana Fredsti - Hollywood Monsters.epub
Dana Fredsti - Lilith 01 - The Spawn of Lilith.epub
Dana Fredsti - Lilith 03 - Hollywood Monsters.epub
Dana Fredsti - Time Shards 02 - Shatter War.epub
Dana Fredsti, David Fitzgerald - Time Shards 01 - Time Shards.epub
Dana Fredsti, David Fitzgerald - Time Shards 02 - Shatter War.epub
Dana Fredsti, David Fitzgerald - Time Shards 02 - Tempus Fury.epub

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