Writers of comics and literature that affected me deeply were Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Christopher Priest, Philip K. Dick, Frederik Pohl & Cyril M. Kornbluth, Alfred Bester, James Tiptree Jr.(a.k.a. Alice Sheldon) and Fredric Brown. Stephen King's writing about how to write also stuck to me.
A R Yngve - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Valhalla.epub
A R Yngve - A Man Called Mister Brown.epub
A R Yngve - Alien Beach.epub
A R Yngve - Darc Ages 01 - Darc Ages.epub
A R Yngve - Darc Ages 02 - City of Masks.epub
A R Yngve - Darc Ages 03 - Darc Ages-Book Three.epub
A R Yngve - I Feel Super, Thanks For Asking.epub
A R Yngve - Lonely Planets.epub
A R Yngve - Parry's Protocol.epub
A R Yngve - Sins of Our Fathers.epub
A R Yngve - The Argus Project.epub
A R Yngve - The Argus Project.pdf